Sociocracy for All’s 5th annual
Global Sociocracy Conference 2022
Online and multilingual
Thank you for joining us on
April 27th, 2022
12:30 – 20:00 UTC
✸ The practice of inner sociocracy ✸ Cross-connections in sociocracy ✸ Sociocracy at the workplace ✸ Paradigm shifting ✸ Sociocracy roleplaying games ✸ Restorative practices ✸ Self -managed teams ✸ Human resources in sociocracy ✸ Power dynamics ✸ Diversity and inclusion ✸ Facilitation practices ✸ Permaculture and sociocracy ✸ Integrating objections ✸ Somatic practices ✸ Exploring power and transparency ✸ Playing with sociocracy ✸ Is sociocracy spiritual? ✸ Empathy circles
Thank you for joining us for a day of shared exploration, talking, and playing!
The 2022 annual conference is for you – and everyone else who is enthusiastic about governance that lifts up all voices. We brought together people from different sectors – business, nonprofit, cooperatives, education, activists – to share and connect with each other.
This year’s multilingual conference went beyond presentations. It was more like a festival, with talks, micro-trainings, panels, participatory activities, and conversations.
Thank you for being here! If you could not attend, you can find the recordings below.
Please consider donating to Sociocracy For All to keep this content free to all.
Watch the recordings
All the following presentations are in English.
View the program in Portuguese. View the program in Spanish.
Does sociocracy scale? (And if so, how?) —Ted Rau
How to transform an organization. Lesson from a 20 years journey —Ludovic Cinquin
Are you interested in becoming an Organizational Member in SoFA? Overview and Q&A —Shala Massey
Building An Economy Where Governance Is Shared —Mike Strode
Activating Collective Resilience and Intimacy —Michael Lennon, Kathleen Walsh, Loubna Echabbi
Postgrowth Institute. Offers and Needs Market —Crystal Arnold
Playing with sociocracy —Henny Freitas
A sociocratic world – are we close yet? Early signs of a changing landscape, and future milestones —Ted Rau and Pascale Mompoint Gaillard, Welcoming and overview —Shala Massey
What can we learn from indigenous cultures to design our organisations? —Nara Nishitani
Diversity, equity and inclusion —Hanna Fischer, Deborah Chang, Sheella Mierson, Farzin Farzad, Shala Massey
Exploring Power and Transparency in Sociocratic Organizations —John Schinnerer
Self-organisation & DAO’s, challenges & opportunities —Joost Schouten
Change-Up Meeting: An Agile Tool —Hope Wilder
Sociocracy and the Solidarity Economy at the Community Purchasing Alliance Cooperative —Amy Abbott, Boris Sigal, Lauren Greenspan
Sociocracy at the workplace: A case study from a 7500 employees workplace —Mette Aagaard, Q&A with Jesper Rasmussen
Sociocracy and personal development —Pia Rohn, Sheella Mierson, John Schinnerer, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and Toby Leugger
The joys of role elections —Rakesh “Rootsman Rak”
Psychological safety: Weaving Connecting Thread With No Judgment —Francine Proulx-Kenzle
Being a Developmental Organization and Why it Matters —Bernadette Wesley
Integrate inner sociocracy into training as opportunity for practice —Pierre Houben
Practicing the inner consent —Lisa Praeg
Self Managed teams at Danfoss eSteering —Vivek Menon
Valuing yourself and others: permaculture and sociocracy —Rhonda Baird
Storytelling about the practice of inner sociocracy —Lisa Praeg and Pierre Houben
Sociocracy and Bioland: working better together with the aim of organic farming — Christine Brandmeir
Circles Can Be Good Scientists —John Buck
Do sociocratic organisations need HR? —Lorraine Power, Britta Werner and Abbie Kempson
The Art & Science of Paradigm Shifting: Learning Together to Play a New Game —Laureen Golden
Vertown -A regenerative organization case —Ivy Frizo, Nara Pais and Guilherme Arruda
In previous years, we’ve had different tracks for different languages – and many of us have longed to be able to hear the other languages’ talks too. That’s why we offered live interpretation for many of the talks this year to have one conference with all the voices.
Live interpreted sessions were not recorded this year. Please contact us if you’d like to help us translate the sessions!
Check out our program in portuguese and spanish:
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