Sociocracy at the workplace: A case study from a 7500 employees workplace —Mette Aagaard, Q&A with Jesper Rasmussen

? This presentation will be in English.


A real-life, practical story on how to integrate sociocracy into a conventional, hierarchical, public organisation of 7500 employees providing welfare to the 80.000 inhabitants of the municipality of Slagelse in Denmark. We are only one year in but happy to share background, approach, progress and learning. And some considerations on the challenges ahead! Q&A with Jesper Rasmussen


Mette Aagaard speaker at the global sociocracy conference 2022 sociocracy for all - - Sociocracy For All

Mette Aagaard has worked with organisational change and development for nearly 30 years, e.g. as Vice President and Global Head of People and Organisation in the pharmaceutical industry and Corporate HR Officer (CHRO) in a creative scale up company. Decided after many years in corporate life to quit and search for a new leadership model – and found Sociocracy. Joined as Head of Development at the Municipality of Slagelse in 2020 with the primary objective to integrate sociocracy.
