IT department of 45 people, embedded in a typical hierarchical IT organization of 190 employees, delivering IT-services and software development to the Universities 6000 employees and 12000 students.
Will sociocracy ever become mainstream? François believes it could, or at least the principles of sociocracy could, because it celebrates and respects both diversity as well as convergence through consent, enabling new perspective to emerge, all conditions for living organisations.
From leader to leadership. We formed a cross-functional unit out of 3 teams. Instead of autocracy or anarchy, we use sociocracy to foster alignment and autonomy, while taking our long-time agile software development practices into account.
Presenter: Tanya Stergiou In 2011, the Dragon Dreaming methodology for designing collaborative projects hit Brazil with a bang. People easily connected to its love in action philosophy, and the step […]
Having been a keen advocate of Sociocratic Circle Method (SCM) since 2001, in 2014 I got together with Bernhard Bockelbrink to create a body of free learning resources for people working in tech to pull in elements of Sociocratic Circle Method.
The S3 delegation canvas is a simple format for understanding and defining domains, e.g. roles, positions, circles or teams. It that can be used in any kind of organization to clarify existing domains or describe new ones.
What are the main differences between sociocracy and Holacracy?
In a world of increasing complexity, a “both/and” mindset provides significant competitive advantage. Those who value the ways Sociocracy supports “both/and” thinking will likely find Polarity Management™ to be a […]
Sociocracy and cooperativism stem from the premise that humans thrive as social animals. Quite possibly, cooperation acts as our most characteristic trait as living beings.
Sociocracy supports collaborative management in the nonprofit sector and is in line with many mindfulness values.