Description What to do when objections to proposals arise from inside the Circle or from community members outside the Circle? We will explore a variety of strategies to keep […]
After two failed attempts, the de Vreede’s knew it was going to take a different approach to beat the odds and form the cohousing community of their dreams. In this presentation, Cate will share the piece of advice that made the difference in setting up their 3rd launch for success. She’ll also share why she…
Cohabitat Québec bought land in 2010 and moved in in 2013. Since the beginning, we have been using the Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM) with 6 functional circles, a general circle and a mission circle (legal board). With years of experience and a lengthy reflection, we decided to bring the board into the general circle. We…
Presenter Bio Diana Leafe Christian teaches sociocracy to intentional communities and member-led groups. Author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, she speaks […]