Third Time’s a Charm: What it took to launch a cohousing community (Cate de Vreede)



After two failed attempts, the de Vreede’s knew it was going to take a different approach to beat the odds and form the cohousing community of their dreams. In this presentation, Cate will share the piece of advice that made the difference in setting up their 3rd launch for success. She’ll also share why she feels Treehouse Village Ecohousing’s first ever collective decision (to govern using sociocracy) might just have been their best yet.

Presenter Bio

Cate de Vreede is a co-founder of Treehouse Village Ecohousing, a cohousing community under construction in Atlantic Canada. Knowing next-to-nothing about sociocracy herself, she prepared the proposal for the first collective decision her forming community ever made: to use sociocracy. She attributes many aspects of TVE’s success to sociocracy, and is eager to exchange tips with others.

