Nonviolent Communication (3x2h)

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

This is a 3-session introduction class to compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication, NVC). It covers basic concepts with many examples. All sessions are participatory with time for questions and answers.

NVC meshes beautifully with sociocracy because it allows us to listen well, make ourselves understood on a deeper level, and explore together how we can co-create solutions that work for everyone.

The classes will be taught by Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, co-founder and staff member of Sociocracy For All and certified NVC trainer. All sessions are participatory with time for questions, role-plays in small groups.


Free introduction: What is sociocracy?

This is a free sociocracy info session. We will look at what self-management is trying to achieve, how sociocracy works, and what kind of organizations are doing sociocracy.

Sociocracy introduction (2x3h)

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

This is a general introduction to sociocracy in 2×3 hours (Sept 7 and Sept 21) that covers structure, decision-making and meetings.


Sociocracy workshop in Amherst

Cherry Hill Cohousing 120 Pulpit Hill Road, Amherst, MA, United States

An in-person class in Amherst MA – a beginner track and an advanced track.


Facilitation practice (6x2h)

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

This class is a potent combination of short teachings and lots of practice to mature as a facilitator and address the most common pitfalls. Every session has a theme: Integrating objections I+II, Staying on topic I+II, Dealings with feelings, Muddy situations.


Sociocracy in Intentional Communities Conference

SoFA Zoom (Multi-Room)

Save the date! Our 4th conference for intentional communities is coming in November 2024 – with information on better governance in communities, networking and inspiration.
