Decision-making in a Northern European Historic Perspective

A presentation by Kåre Wangel & Tobias Jørgensen

Description: Before the enlightenment era gave way for the modern democratic state, governance in the northern European countries had several resemblances with sociocracy, both on a transnational level and on a local level. Still today there is a latent democracy-critique in rural danish culture that stems from considerations brought forth during enactment of the danish constitution in 1848. Perhaps sociocracy in many ways is a rediscovery of more natural ways to govern which was common in premodern times, and maybe the sharp distinction between democracy and monarchy keeps us from seeing the otherwise obvious downfalls of modern democracy.[echo-content-down-arrow id=”temp-id” class=”temp-class” size=”50″ type=”epda-icon-arrow-soft” animation_type=”bounce-effect-1″ color=”1776C0″ duration_time=”20000″ bouncing_speed=”3000″ move_to=”” scrolling=”true” disable_bouncing=”false” disable_duration=”false” ]
