Sociocracy in Schools- For Teachers

Language: Español

Why sociocracy in the classroom or student council?

In the classroom, sociocracy can increase empathy, improve classroom culture, decrease disruptive behavior, increase trust, and increase perspective-taking abilities of students.

Using sociocracy, students can decide:

  • Shared classroom agreements.
  • Topics for group projects.
  • School club governance.
  • Student council representative elections.
  • How to make improvements to the class or the school.

Try out the resources below to aid in your implementation.

Consent Decision-Making

What is consent decision-making? In this video, a group of children decides what to get for dinner via consent.

“The positive outcomes for both teachers and students include:

More understanding for each other.

Fewer conflicts.

A felt sense of safety and trust.

Less teacher burnout potential.

Student motivation in lessons and projects because they helped to decide about them.

Sociocracy offers you a way to step out of old habits which you are sure that they weren’t helpful but you didn’t know yet how to change them.”

Ellen Even
Staff, Integrale Tagesschule Winterthur

Four tools from sociocracy you can start using today

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Taking turns in a circle to speak ensures that everyone’s voices are heard. Try it out today with a question for your class, such as, “How do you want to be treated in our class?”

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Consent Decision-Making

Consent decision-making is a process to include everyone in decisions so that everyone can live with the outcome. Try consent decisions with group projects, or questions for the whole class such as where to go on a field trip.

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Role Selections

Select class representatives to student council or students for leadership roles within the classroom using the sociocratic selection process.

Credit for PDF- Lisa Praeg.

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Group Proposal-Forming

Come up with creative solutions to problems together by using this easy three-step process. Understand, explore, then decide about an issue.

Credit for PDF- Wondering School.

Sociocratic Tools in Action: Video

Consent, Rounds, and Proposal-forming

This youth-led and produced video shows an example of a student-run sociocratic student council meeting with consent and objections at Grace2Learn in Capetown, South Africa.

Curriculum for Ages 5-12

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Let’s Decide Together! By Hope Wilder

Let’s Decide Together is an accessible workbook for anyone interested in practicing sociocracy with children ages 5-12. Adults can use it to make more values-aligned, egalitarian, and inclusive decisions together with children in the home, at school, clubs, neighborhood groups, or in any group where adults and children are empowered to decide together.

$20 paperback, $8 ebook

Download our free booklet
“Sociocracy with Kids”

What are the first, easiest steps to improve making decisions with children? This booklet will introduce you to:

  • What to decide about
  • Rounds
  • Consent decision-making with kids
  • Tips for easy and fun meetings with kids

Sign up to our mailing list and download this free booklet!

In addition, another booklet for adults called Sociocracy – a brief introduction is available as a free download for those who are signed up for our mailing list.

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Read-aloud books for ages 5-12 teaching concepts in sociocracy

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The Talking Stick by Julie Niblett

This book about a Native American boy who confronts bullying can be used to teach talking in rounds, while acknowledging the indigenous roots of using a talking stick. Ages 8-12.

Lesson plan

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The Peace Stick by Nidhi Misra

Two siblings argue, and their father teaches them about using a talking stick to resolve disagreements. Used for teaching rounds to younger children. Ages 5-8.

Lesson plan

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Thanks for the feedback…I think…

A boy struggles to accept compliments and criticism. This book can be used to teach feedback and practice feedback rounds. Ages 5-10.

Lesson plan

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Consent! Picture book

A package is delivered. What will we do with the contents without fighting?

This picture book in 3 languages ​​(Dutch, English, German) takes you on a journey to discover how to decide with consent: every voice is heard and no one has any objections.


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Heart To Heart: Three Systems for Staying Connected

This manual for teachers and parents provides systems to stay open-hearted with children. The principles of Nonviolent Communication inform the three systems. There are plenty of examples of different kinds of discord and ways to guide young children through them.  

Ages 5-10.

Games for practicing consent decision-making (5-12)

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Shadows in the Forest

This is an asymmetrical game where one person is a forager trying to capture shadowlings that are under the control of everyone else. The group must make decisions about where to hide without the forager finding out. Played in the dark! Ages 8 & up.

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Play as detective chickens trying to uncover clues about which fox stole the cake before they get away. Ages 5-8..

Curriculum and templates for ages 13-18

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One Week Sociocracy Introduction

This one week plan makes introducing sociocracy in the classroom easy and fun. Includes icebreakers and participatory activities, perfect for the beginning of the school year.

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14 Session Civics Sociocracy Curriculum

This comprehensive high school curriculum includes readings, videos, and worksheets to help understand sociocracy in context with other governance models.

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Student Proposal Template

Template for forming student proposals

Games for practicing consent decision-making (13-18)

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Quandary online game

In Quandary, you represent a council on a faraway planet. You must make decisions that affect a whole village, taking in facts and opinions from the villagers. Doesn’t involve consent decision-making, but is good practice for listening to multiple perspectives and coming up with a proposal.

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House of Danger

A cooperative choose-your-own-adventure story game. Use consent decision making at key points to see the story evolve.

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War with the Evil Power Master

A cooperative choose-your-own-adventure story game. Use consent decision-making at key points to see the story evolve.

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A cooperative game where you race against the clock as a deadly disease sweeps the globe.


Schools Landing Page

Resource Page for Teachers

Resource Page for School Administrators

Sociocracy with Youth Organizations

Wondering School – sociocracy in school training and resources

School Circles Film – documentary about sociocracy in schools
