Conflict Happens. Expect it! (Gina Simm and Mandy Parry)


Presenter Bios

  • Gina Simm is a recently retired first grade teacher living in the Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is the leader of a circle called Care & Counsel where members keep their fingers on the social/emotional pulse of the community. Through this circle, Gina has created many venues for staying connected through the inevitability of conflict. Her motto is: Conflict happens – Expect it!
  • Mandy Parry is a self employed teacher and trainer based in Bristol, UK. She has a been a member of Treehouse Village Cohousing since 2019 and is Leader of the Learning Circle. She is planning on moving to Eastern Canada with her family as soon as the current pandemic and life allows.


How conflict gets attended to in community.

Additional resources

Slide deck  
