“Guide for Serving in Circle Roles” by Ted J. Rau [english edition] (print)


“Guide for Serving in Circles Roles” includes an overview of the responsibilities of each circle role with tips to help you succeed. Leaders, secretaries, delegates and facilitators will appreciate learning what makes their role easier and more productive. Give a copy to role holders in your organization! A 70 page booklet for leaders, delegates, secretaries,…



“Guide for Serving in Circles Roles” includes an overview of the responsibilities of each circle role with tips to help you succeed. Leaders, secretaries, delegates and facilitators will appreciate learning what makes their role easier and more productive. Give a copy to role holders in your organization! A 70 page booklet for leaders, delegates, secretaries, and facilitators in sociocracy.

Written by Ted Rau, the author of the sociocracy manual Many Voices One Song. Shared power with sociocracy (2018) and Who Decides Who Decides. How to start a group so everyone can have a voice (2021) and co-founder of the nonprofit Sociocracy For All.
