Let’s decide together

The definitive guidebook for practicing decision-making with children

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Cover mockup Let's decide together - Hope Wilder - Sociocracy For All

What others say…

“I like that everyone gets to agree instead of most people. I don’t know what to say, it’s just awesome.”

—Kira Gillespie, age 8

“With this book Hope has provided an accessible step-by step guide for actual implementation of shared power with young people. It’s great! I really appreciate the examples shared, along with all the worksheets and templates, facilitative tips, and change-up meeting guide. I hope you, like me, will try to dig into this book and bring these techniques to connect and work with youth. Looking forward to deciding together!”
—Will Gowen, Director of Programs at School Around Us Co-Learning Community

“The key to the treasure chest of a new paradigm for the institutions of school and family!”

—Gina Simm, author of Heart to Heart: 3 Systems for Staying Connected

“This is such a heart-warming book! It provides practical guidance and inspiration on how to use Sociocracy with children in a fun and light way. You can also have a feeling of how it is to be inside a democratic school and learn from a real experience. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for ways to listen to and collaborate with children and youth!”

—Marianne Osorio, director of School Circles film and founder of Wondering School 

“Hope Wilder to the rescue!”

“Let’s Decide Together is simple! Practical! Useful!  A cookbook for inclusivity! A workable guide that, if applied correctly, is an utter takedown of all the less-kid-friendly governance systems out there being deployed everywhere from schools to family meetings.”

—Mitra Martin, Director of Organizational Learning at AnswerLab

If you prefer first hand learning, sign up for the next workshop with the author. Save your spot and get a notification for upcoming trainings.

Get started with more harmonious decisions now!

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Are you tired of fighting over who will do the chores? Or how about managing a rowdy and disruptive classroom?

Decisions about these problems are usually made by adults for children, leading to an authoritarian dynamic and conflict.

Sociocracy can provide a useful framework for making decisions together with children.

This leads to investment in outcomes and positive solutions that work well for everyone.

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Better decisions, improved relationships

Readers can use this book to make more values-aligned, egalitarian, and inclusive decisions together with children in the home, at school, clubs, neighborhood groups, or in any group where adults and children are empowered to decide together.

Look inside!

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See our Resource Page for agendas, cheat sheets, circle diagrams, and video resources for the book.

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