F4: facilitating the consent process

Help a group generate policy (picture forming and proposal shaping); facilitate the consent process.


Skill description ability to lead collaboratively generated proposals (e.g. picture forming and proposal shaping) and the consent process (understand- explore-decide)
How to acquire skill self-study; workshop; practice in real life; MVOS chapter 3.3
Show skill Running two consent processes.
Measurement Peer group (ALC) assesses both processes based on checklist below.

  • Meetings held within Peer group (ALC): evaluate in circle (meeting evaluation).
  • Meetings held outside of Peer group (ALC): ask for written feedback based on checklist from two people in that circle and present to Peer group (ALC).
Checklist Consent process

  • Was the proposal clear?
  • Was there a clear distinction between clarifying questions and opinions/reactions? 
  • Was everyone able to give their input? 
  • Was a decision made? 
Submit work
Sample letter