C5: running a two-day workshop

Don’t wait until things are perfect! Do it!

Skill descriptionability to run a two-day training of organizational structure and decision-making; does not have to be trained alone but can be part of a pair. Student has to be responsible for overall planning
How to acquire skillattend other’s workshops; get feedback on outline; get feedback from participants and use it to improve the session; practice in real life
Show skillGive a 12-hour workshop for at least 8 people and show and tell the training design and your evaluation; take in feedback; follow up.
MeasurementWritten feedback from self and from two people from the presentation, based on the checklist below.
  • How did you structure the workshop?
  • How was your time management?
  • Did you use different channels and learning mediums?
  • Was your style (examples, wording etc.)  appropriate to the context?
  • Did you ask for feedback, and what did you learn?
  • Did you follow up with people? 

Other (2 people):

  • Was the workshop clear? 
  • How was time management?
  • Were all questions answered? (considering time)
  • Did the trainer seem competent and engaging?
  • Was the presentation appropriate to the context?
  • What would you ask to do differently next time?
Submit work 
Sample letter 