“Am I your boss?”

Conversations about hierarchy in sociocracy

I am your boss! And I am yours. Conversations about hierarchy in sociocracy.

How does hierarchy work in sociocracy? What if I were the leader of a circle you are working in, but you’re also the leader of a circle I am working in? Am I your boss? Or are you my boss? As it happens, Ted and CJ are in that exact situation in SoFA. Ted is leader of Content Circle where CJ is a member. And CJ is a leader of Outreach Circle where Ted is a member. With many roles in many circles, there are many relationships – and lots to talk about.

In this live conversation, CJ and Ted, Pame and Eric, all key members of SoFA reflect on their own working relationships.

They touch on the topics of culture, hierarchy, informal and formal power.

  • Who approves the money?
  • Who decides what your salary is?
  • Who assesses your performance?
  • How do you lead, and how do you want to be led?

Video recording of the webinar

CJ O'Reilly
CJ O’Reilly
pamecarmona - hierarchy - Sociocracy For All
Pame Carmona
eric tolson round.png - hierarchy - Sociocracy For All
Eric Tolson
Ted Rau
Ted Rau


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